"It is important to dream beyond what we are fighting against,
to what we are fighting for."
-Robin D. G. Kelley
All students find joy and purpose in their education, be uplifted in their passions, and be empowered through education to activate their agency towards building the future they deserve.
Build a collaborative network of educators committed to transforming education and empowering learners in recognizing and fighting against social, economic, and environmental injustices, using mathematics as their tool.
Foster collective agency to create and amplify systems that uplift our marginalized groups and provide access to opportunities.
Welcome! My name is Naehee Kwun.
I am an educator in my 18th year of teaching and learning. My passion for equity-centered and justice-oriented education has driven my work as an educational leader.
My recent projects focus on interdisciplinary collaborations that are culturally relevant and responsive and uplift student agency to use their voice to bring about impact in their communities. My expertise lies in math education, but I have been partnering with local and national teams of educators across all disciplines to create interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary curriculum and resources.
My drive to unlearn and relearn history has presented opportunities for me to chase curiosities, transform education, and create beautiful relationships, resources, and communities along the way.
current + upcoming projects
Educator's Guide to Orange County, CA
Our website is launched!
I am proud to be part of this amazing team of local educators from around Orange County, CA as we created a collection of lessons that center on our local history, grounded in antiracist and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Grab this book and check out the lessons! There is more to Orange County than Disneyland!
See how mathing uses concepts of proportions, unit rate, and data literacy to learn about land and labor at Disneyland.
NCTM Regional Conference - Seattle, WA (Feb 2024)
Theme: Everyone Belongs Here
Ethnic studies (ES) extends beyond a history class, providing a framework of principles that informs instruction. Let's explore how we can enrich math instruction by incorporating concepts from the ES framework and principles. We will also reflect on our current practices that align with these concepts and consider adapting or adopting approaches to foster criticality in ourselves and our students.
Regional Math Conference - San Diego, CA (Feb 2024)
Theme: Pursuing Pathways for Growth and Connection
In this session, we share about our partnership with UC Berkeley's Integrated Action Civics, UC Irvine's History Project, and secondary teachers from UCLA Mann HS, Roosevelt HS, and Math-Science-Tech-Academy to use GIS mapping, statistical reasoning cycle and data analysis, and action civics priniciples to support students through Youth Participatory Action Research.
AERA Annual Meeting (April 2024)
AsianCrit in Teacher Ed. Research and Practice
We aim to push back against the unnatural invisibility and stereotypes of Asian Americans in mathematics education and to highlight and disrupt how the model minority myth - the belief that Asian Americans have “made it'' despite obstacles - is used in mathematics education to hurt our siblings of color, render Asian Americans invisible, and imply that mathematics education does not need anti-racist work.
ECCLPs Annual Forum Symposium (May 2024)
Theme: Collaborating for Change
Our collective mission is to foster an environment of collaborative engagement and action that will empower participants to become catalysts for change within educational settings and throughout their communities.
Get ready to take part in a symposium that demands your active participation to create a ripple effect of positive change!
3rd Annual Teaching for Justice Conference (May 2024)
This year's theme: Communities of Care​
I am proud to bring this TFJ conference to life every year, as we work to create spaces for celebration and joy and bring Asian American studies into classrooms. In collaboration with Educate to Empower, UCI Teacher Academy and UCI Center for Educational Partnerships, we launched the inaugural Teaching for Justice Conference in April 2022. Educators from across the country joined virtually, as local educators joined in person to explore how Asian American Studies can and should be embedded across the k12 curriculum.